Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Ribbon is great once
you get to know how to work with it.
At the beginning it looked too complicated, there are too many tags to
write and it is difficult to understand how to place the button in the right place.
The good news are after understanding the why it works, it all makes sense.
They are very flexible and you can do all most
everything in a supported why.
This blog shows how to remove and show Ribbon save buttons based on some logic.
In MSCRM 4 it can be done using unsupported code
Something like:
var toolBarButtons = document.all.mnuBar1.rows[0].cells[0].childNodes[0].childNodes;
and then iterate over all the buttons till the
save button found and removed / showed when needed.
In MSCRM 2011 there is supported and
much more elegant solution:
Generally speaking you should know these steps
before starting (Copied from:
1. Prerequisites: This section describes the specific
requirements and resources you need.
2. Export: Create and export a solution containing
just the solution components you need. For more information about creating and
exporting a solution see the application Help and Export the
3. Identify the IDs for
existing items: Examine default
ribbon definitions. The walkthrough provides the XML you need, but it is
important that you understand the relationships to existing data in the default
ribbon definitions.
4. Create the script Web
resource: Walkthroughs that
add controls to the ribbon require a JScript Web resource to perform an action.
For more information about creating JScript Web resources, see the application
Help and JScript
Libraries for Microsoft Dynamics CRM.
5. Edit the
customizations.xml file: This
section leads you through a series of cumulative steps editing nodes within
the <RibbonDiffXml>
(RibbonDiffXml)element. The final step shows you the entire
modified RibbonDiffXml element in the customizations.xml file.
6. Import and publish the
solution: Compress the
modified solution files and import those files to update your solution. For
more information about compressing and importing a solution, see the
application Help and Import the
7. Test and verify that the
requirements are met: In this step you
confirm that the requirements specified in the prerequisites section are met.
We'll twist it a little bit to meet our requirement.
1) Replace the CommandDefinition that
descripes the save button with new one. We'll copy it from incidentribbon.xml
and place it in the exported customization.xml.
Id="Mscrm.AvailableOnForm" />
<EnableRule Id="Mscrm.CanSavePrimary" />
<EnableRule Id="Mscrm.ReadPrimaryPermission" />
Id="Mscrm.Form.incident.MainTab.CustomRule.EnableRule" />
<DisplayRule Id="Mscrm.CanSavePrimaryEntityType" />
<JavaScriptFunction FunctionName="Mscrm.RibbonActions.saveForm"
<CrmParameter Value="PrimaryControl" />
2) add new Enable Rule which indicates should it
be shown or not
<EnableRule Id="Mscrm.Form.incident.MainTab.CustomRule.EnableRule">
Library="$Webresource:new_incident_library" />
3) Now in your code you'll be able to decide
would the save button be shown or not by defining the logic in the function EnableButtons. Whenever you want to change the display
make sure the function returns true / false as expected and refresh the ribbon
by using:
The thing to remember here is that you can
change the current setting of almost everything in the ribbon by redefining